
Although the slave trade itself was banned and in the northern states, slavery wasnt abolished, it did not completely remove slavery and make them considered as a "real person". Just like in women, the Revolution inspired slaves for equality, freedom and independence that would help them in the future. It affected them because they thought that they were going to have a new path but really they continued with slavery. Slavery continued after the war despite the efforts of African-American soldiers. It affected them because they did more critics on slavery.
Native Americans:
The American Revolution didn't affect directly the native americans. It affected them because when the colonists won, it was official they had lost vast territories and would have to share land extensions with colonists. The Procclamation of 1763 wasnt so forceful after the war, because the colonists were independent from the King and he couldnt give them orders anymore. The Procclamation of 1763 kept colonists east of the Appalachian Mts, just so you remember. France owed a large piece of land that was west of the Appalachian, and the colonists eventually bought it. Further on, they also took hold of the area around California and Florida. So as you see, the Natives were being taken away from lands and this led them to live in reservations. Nowadays, natives can live anywhere they want but many choose to live in reservations.
ResponderEliminarI am last though.
ResponderEliminarUm but I actually am
ResponderEliminari am...
ResponderEliminarI actually am!!!!!!
ResponderEliminarI actually am!!!!!!
ResponderEliminarnope i amm
ResponderEliminarAll you can suck my cock!
ResponderEliminarActually I am
ResponderEliminaroops. looks like i actually am
ResponderEliminarNope, I am.
ResponderEliminarActually, I'm the 14th person here.
ResponderEliminarI am
ResponderEliminarWhat legends but I’m actually the last one here
ResponderEliminarI am
ResponderEliminarnope I am bitches
ResponderEliminarLAST FK all'yall
ResponderEliminarY'all can fight me, I'm last
ResponderEliminarfuck yall hoes, last
ResponderEliminarguess who's last now, fuckers
ResponderEliminarActually I'm last
ResponderEliminarlast my dudes
ResponderEliminarim last kids
ResponderEliminarWell, it wouldn't be fair for me to read this blog and NOT comment so I, too, can be "last" for a moment. ;)
ResponderEliminarno im last
EliminarI'm last
ResponderEliminarActually... I am
ResponderEliminarIM LAST
ResponderEliminarI am bots
ResponderEliminarguess who's last... ME
ResponderEliminarNope, it is ME!
ResponderEliminarim last, sorry
ResponderEliminarHow long is this going to continue guys? Im last btw tho
ResponderEliminarhii guys ;) im last. this is the most petty shit ever but