The first Treaty of Paris the one in 1783, was what sealed the peace between the British and the colonists. After the signing of the Treaty of Paris the Revolutionary War was officially over. Bejamin Franklin and John Adams were two of the main American negotiators. He was a really good negotiator and obtained vast land for the colonists. The other nations involved in the war, like the French had separate agreements. On the Treaty of Paris, the colonists agreed not to attack loyalists who still lived in America. They also agreed to pay any existing debt to Great Britain. The British agreed to remove all its troops from the colonist's territory.

The second treaty of Paris we are talking about was an agreement made in 1898 Guat. Resulted in end of the Spain control of Cuba and Puerto Rico and part of the Western Indies. The treaty was signed on December 10,1898 and ended by the Spanish-American war. It Came into Effect in April 11,1899.The treaty signaled the end of the Spanish empíre in America and the Pacific Ocean and marked the beginning of an age of the United States colonial power. United States was far more advanced in terms of independence and self government by the time. Remember that it had been more than a century after the signing of Treaty of Paris of 1783.
The controversial treaty was approved on February 6, 1899 by a vote 57 to 27, only one vote more than the two-thirds majority required Only two Republicans voted against ratification.

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